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Other Post-High School Options

High School Options



What are the significant skills you possess? Are you good with your hands, good at problem-solving, a  motivator of people? Are you attentive to detail, fast with numbers, quick to catch on? What are your strong points? It is important to connect the things you know about yourself to the career areas you are considering. Go to use you school login. You can take an interest inventory to explore careers and college majors based on your preferences. Another place to explore career possibilities is at Do your plans for education after high school match your career hopes? You will need the help of your school counselor,  parents, college and career advisor, and friends, but it is YOUR future.


If your answer is “maybe” or “no” look into the possibility of:

  • CAREER EDUCATION TRAINING: These may be more appropriate for students who just want to get working.This includes careers in the areas of art, business, modeling, court reporting, computer programming, drafting, fashion designing, etc. Some courses can be completed in nine months, but do not offer the AA (Associate of Arts) degree that a two-year community college course offers. Always investigate the school you are considering to be sure that it is an accredited school that is operated ethically.
  • US JOB CORPS: Offers programs that provide educational and vocational training. There are seven training centers in California, including in San Jose and on Treasure Island. There are also centers in Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. For general information go to
  • CET (Center for Employment Training): Job training and placement programs. For information call 1- 800-533-2519.
  • AMERICORPS NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps): Ten-month program. Offers young people the opportunity to gain experience in a number of areas while helping the environment and/or other people. While in service earn a living stipend, health insurance, and an education award of up to $5,775. Some information is available in the College & Career Center. You may also go to or call 1-800-942-2677.
  • CCC (California Conservation Corps): CCC hires young men and women, 18 to 23, to work for one year on a variety of environmental and community projects and to respond to such emergencies as forest fires and floods. California residents not on probation or parole are eligible. For information, go to or call (916) 341-3100.